Welcome to Harmony Cafe!
We are your hosts, Scott & Beth Noelle, and the purpose of our virtual venue is to provide a place for growth-oriented people like you to explore and practice the art of creating harmonious partnerships, families, and communities.
The information, tools, and experiences we offer here will empower you to create healthier relationships by elevating collective intelligence whenever and wherever you engage with others — at home, at school, at work, and beyond. Frankly, we think the future of humanity depends on more and more people learning these skills.
That may sound heavy and serious, but rest assured that we are seriously committed to making this learning process fun ! Of course we need to confront our individual and collective shadows, but the more you delve into our material, the more you’ll realize that the path to harmony is, quite naturally, a playful process.
What’s on the Menu?

You can start with our growing menu of free videos and articles, and you can stay informed of the latest content, events, and opportunities by subscribing to our interactive newsletter, below. And there’s plenty more to explore...
Our online courses are designed to provide as much (or as little) structure as you need while you’re internalizing the partnership principles that inform everything we do here. Each course includes several interactive support options.
You can become a member to support our work and get access to all of our members-only content, online courses, group coaching video calls, and real-life gatherings. Membership provides a faster, funner path to personal and social harmony.
We also offer private coaching for accelerated growth in a unique format we call Partnership Coaching. These sessions can provide the extra “caffeine” you need to overcome blocks and/or supercharge your path to harmony in partnership.
Local, live events and gatherings are a vital part of the Harmony Cafe vision. We can facilitate workshops and presentations in your community, either face-to-face or digitally, and we can help you organize and facilitate your own local events, too.
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2022 Update: When we launched Harmony Cafe in mid-2019, we didn’t have a contingency plan for anything like the insanity of 2020 and ’21. Eventually we decided to put this project on the shelf until such time as we feel guided to reboot it. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy the small serving of content we posted, or check out our other projects that are still active and can be found via ScottNoelle.com and BethNoelle.com.